Monday, July 13, 2015

Hooper Finds A Family

Hooper Finds a Family
   By: Jane Paley 
Genre: Children's; Adventure; Realistic Fiction
Based on a true story

Synopsis : A dog who survives Hurricane Katrina 


     Meet Jimmy; a clumsy, energetic, yellow lab puppy who lives the perfect life for a dog. Jimmy tells the story of how he was caught in the middle of Hurricane Katrina and finds himself homeless. From New Orleans, to the pound, and all the way to New York City, Jimmy struggles to find himself. But new beginnings are around the corner. With a new name, a new home, and a new family, Jimmy earns his love and his place in his new world. 


1. How enticing was the plot? - There were a few slower parts to the story line, but there was a good amount of both exciting and sweet parts to the story. Overall it was very enjoyable. 

2. How well were the characters developed? Were they likable?  - The story is told from the point of view of Jimmy (Hooper at the end if the book), he's sweet and funny, but unsure of himself. You'll find that you are cheering Jimmy on as he tries to find confidence in himself. He's a lovable character with many good qualities and lessons to learn. 

3. What was the setting of the story?  - The story is told during the time of Hurricane Katrina; before, during, and after. Jimmy starts out living in New Orleans and ends up finding home in New York City. 

4. Was there an overall moral message to the story that the characters learn?  - Jimmy is determined to find his old owners after the storm, but he learns that he can't control everything. He needs to make the best of things and let some things go. He learns to believe in himself and trust the people around him. 

5. Was the end satisfying?  - Yes. 


None Whatsoever      Moderate       Dude, YES

LOL Level:

      1         2         3         4         5

Tear Jerker Level

      1         2         3         4         5
Can't Put It Down Level

      1         2         3         4         5
Nailbiter Level:
      1         2         3         4         5
Good Book Level:

      1         2         3         4         5
Suggested Age Range:
  4-6       6-9    9-12    12-15     15-18  

I really enjoyed this book because the first time I read it, I had just returned from a mission trip to New Orleans. It was neat to see the story of the storm from a different point of view.

Warning! We love books.  Our reviews may or may not be somewhat biased :D 

~ Misten 

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