Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Mysterious Case of the Allbright Academy

The Mysterious Case of the Allbright Academy 
   By: Diane Stanley 
Genre: mystery 

Synopsis:  Franny and her friends try to uncover the secrets of their perfect boarding school.  

     Franny Sharp is thrilled when she is accepted in the Allbright Academy, a boarding school designed to educate the smartest and most talented students in the world. But, Franny knows she is not as good as any of the other students there, who are perfect and flawless in every way. Strange enough the effects are rubbing off on her and her friends too. Can Franny and her pals discover the secrets of The Allbright Academy? 


1. How enticing was the plot? - The story was very exciting and engaging even though some parts were slow. 

2. How well were the characters developed? Were they likable? - The story is told by the point of view of Franny who often puts herself down for being quite average and doesn't believe in herself. But who would blame her? She has a perfectly smart and charming younger sister who always steals the show. When Franny is accepted into the Allbright Academy it's not because she passes the entrance exams, it's because her sister Zoe was accepted and refused to go without her siblings. Franny's confidence starts to grow however as the affects of the Academy start to wear off on her. Franny is clever, brave, and likable, a great main character for a story. 

3. What was the setting of the story? - The story takes place on the Allbright Academy campus during modern times. 

4. Was there an overall moral message to the story that the characters learn? - Even though it isn't written right in the book, I think the moral lesson would be that you don't have to be perfect and just like everybody else to be successful. Sometimes being yourself is the best thing to do. 

5. Was the end satisfying? - Yes, it was a good end to a good book. 


None Whatsoever Moderate Dude, YES

LOL Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Tear Jerker Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Can't Put it Down Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Nailbiter Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Good Book Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Suggested Age Range:
     4-6       6-9       9-12      12-15     15-18  

  I really enjoyed this book, it reminded me a little of the Mysterious Benedict Society which is one of my all time favorites, so I really enjoyed this book too. Hope you put that phone down and go read it to unlock the mysteries of the Allbright Academy for yourself.

Warning! We love books. Our reviews may or may not be somewhat biased. :D

~ Misten

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