Thursday, July 30, 2015

Welcome to Camden Falls

Welcome to Camden Falls
   By: Ann M. Martin 
Genre: family, friends, realistic fiction 
Series: Main Street book 1

Synopsis: Sisters Flora and Ruby begin their new life in Camden Falls after their parents die in an accident. 


     Flora and Ruby Northrop don't want to move to Camden Falls, but they have no choice when their parents die in a car wreck and their grandmother Min is taking them in. But, things start to get better as they make new friends and learn about their past in Camden Falls. It starts to feel more and more like home as Flora and Ruby stitch together their new life in Camden Falls. 


1. How enticing was the plot? - This book was very interesting, but not too exciting. I enjoyed reading it. 

2. How well were the characters developed? Were they likable? - There is a large cast of characters in this book, but the main four characters are Flora and Ruby and their new friends Olivia and Nikki. Flora ,the eldest, is creative and caring while Ruby is energetic, moody, and always ready to have a good time. Olivia, their neighbor, is extremely organized and bossy, but in a kind way. She takes on the Northrops and makes them feel welcome. Nikki has never had friends before, she lives outside of town and is going through hard times at home, still she is brave and has a loving heart. 

3. What was the setting of the story? - The story is set around modern times in a small New England town. 

4. Was there an overall moral message to the story that the characters learn? - At first, Nikki doesn't want to be friends with the other girls, and the other girls don't want to be friends with her. They fight and argue but finally learn that even though they're all different they can still be friends. 

5. Was the end satisfying? - Yes, the end was satisfying but it makes you want to go and read the next book in the series. ;) 


None Whatsoever Moderate    Dude, YES

LOL Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Tear Jerker Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Can't Put it Down Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Nailbiter Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Good Book Level:
          1         2         3         4         5
Suggested Age Range:
    4-6       6-9       9-12      12-15     15-18  

     I love this book and this author, I highly recommend this series of ten books and other books by the same author. So put that phone down and go read them! 

Warning! We love books.  Our reviews may or may not be somewhat biased :D

~ Misten 

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